Metro introduces ‘Kids Ride Free’ lanes to help D.C. students use Metro to get to school

Metro is marking the first day of school for D.C. public school students with a new effort to help ensure a safe and stress-free trip to and from school.

Starting today, students will see ‘Kids Ride Free’ signage directing them to use specific faregates at Metrorail stations most used by school children. Station Managers will be on hand to help students who may have issues with their Kids Ride Free SmarTrip cards. If a student does not have their card, the Station Manager will tap the student through the faregates and take note of the student’s school to give the D.C Public School System data to help ensure cards are distributed.

Students are reminded that their Kids Ride Free card from last school year will work until the end of September to allow time for distribution of this year’s cards.

Metro has begun working with the District to make Kids Ride Free cards available in mobile wallets in the future to give give students with smartphones a convenient way to get to school without the risk of losing their physical cards.

KRF lane

Stations with Kids Ride Free faregate lanes include:

The Metro Transit Police Department is a participant in the Safe Passage Program, a collaboration with the Metropolitan Police Department and the District Department of Transportation to improve safety for children. MTPDs efforts include proactive outreach so students are prepared with safety tips while using Metro and strategic deployments to stations with high student ridership.

Metro also recently hosted its first Back-to-School Celebration and School Supply Giveaway, providing students with giveaways and safety tips as they prepare for the new school year.