The International and Global Studies major offers a degree that combines knowledge in core issues of international and global politics with a focus on regional and national politics. Understanding the political structure and politics that govern a region or how the global political economy works, our students learn about what and how political issues and governance changes and shapes the world. The major requires 36 hours of course work, with required courses in American National Government, Scope and Methods of Political Science, World Political Geography, International Relations Theory and Practice, Principles of Macroeconomics, Comparative Politics, Global Perspectives, and International Relations Theory, plus elective courses from comparative politics and international relations. The degree also requires the completion of an approved minor and four semesters of a foreign language. Graduates from the IGS degree program will be prepared to go to pursue careers in the international field in public and private organizations, or continue to graduate school.
4297 Andromeda Loop N.
Howard Phillips Hall, Rm. 302
Orlando, FL 32816-1356