First-Year Applicants

Submit the $90 nonrefundable application fee or follow the instructions below to request a fee waiver in your application.

Fee Waiver Request

Use the Common Application fee waiver guidelines to determine your eligibility. If your financial situation meets the fee waiver guidelines, request a fee waiver by selecting “Yes” to the Common App Fee Waiver question in your application.

In order to have your fee waiver request approved and the application fee waived, you must also complete one of the following:

You do not need to wait for your fee waiver request to be approved before submitting your application. If we need more information, we will reach out to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I know if my application fee has been received or if my fee waiver request has been approved? If not received or approved, what should I do?

The application fee appears as a checklist item in your Stanford portal. When your payment is received, this checklist item will have a green check. If you request a fee waiver and it is approved, this checklist item will have a gray check.

If your application fee checklist item is still showing a red X, follow the applicable step:

How can I request a fee waiver for the CSS Profile?

Stanford does not offer CSS Profile fee waiver codes; however, your fee may be waived by the College Scholarship Service (CSS) if you meet their criteria. Please visit the CSS Profile fee waiver page for more information.

International applicants should submit the CSS Profile if they are able. If you are an international student who cannot afford the CSS Profile fee, or if you live in a country from which the College Board cannot process payments, you may submit the International Student Application for Financial Assistance (ISAFA) instead. Please visit our Restrictive Early Action or Regular Decision financial aid pages for access to the ISAFA.

Where can I find information about tuition costs, the student budget and financial aid?

A good place to begin is the Undergraduate Basics section of Stanford's financial aid website . We also recommend our Net Price Calculator as a general guide to your family's eligibility for financial aid. Tuition costs and other expenses are itemized on the Student Budget page .

Updated on July 23, 2024 3:27 PM


First-Year Applicants
Transfer Applicants
Veterans and ROTC